I tried your Find and Replace plugin to replace the following:
(requires Acrobat Reader)
with a blank space (I just wanted to just get rid of it, but the plugin requires a replacement value). The plugin said it ran, but didn’t tell me which pages it searched or how many results it found. It didn’t delete the unwanted string.
Did you search and replace for the full HTML ( <a href … ) ?
The plugin is not configured to tell you howmany hits it found.
Yes, I tried the full HTML. But I wanted to remove the text, so there was no replacement value.
If the HTML is 100% correct and you did not see an error about empty replacement value all should be ok.
If it’s not please use pastebin to paste your code you would like to remove (the HTML code ..) and paste the pastebin result URL over here, so I can test it too.